When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit, we were at a standstill with our business as all in person events were being canceled. Luckily, we were able to use the newly gained time to host virtual events and LIVE Facebook interviews for our local business community!
Here is an one of the LIVE interviews that we did with local business owner Nicole Boshell founder and owner of Natural Desires Soap Company!
Meet Nicole Boshell founder and owner of Natural Desires Soap Company. There Our mission is to provide all natural homemade skin care products to gently nourish and clean you skin. We pride ourselves on using nature mind beneficial ingredients to make choosing natural invigorating, beautiful and exciting. Follow Natural Desires Soap Company on Facebook.
Would you like a LIVE interview with Jacksonville Business Connections? message us! www.facebook.com/jaxbizconnections
If you are a member of one of our Business Advertising Directories, we would love to have schedule your interview!
Here is a list of our current directories:
Jacksonville Business Connections Directory - Servicing North Florida Businesses
Jacksonville Business Events Directory - Servicing North Florida Vendors
Jambeez.com - Everything Kid Directory
Follow us on Facebook at @jaxbizconnections